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Khalid Mujahid's death in UP Police van shocked the whole country
தந்தி டிவி முன் வருமா

" മലയാളി ഹൌസ് " ന്റെ അന്ത്യ ഫലം - കാര്ട്ടൂണ്
" I AM NOT SUNNI .. I AM NOT SALAFI... I AM NOT " ANY " - I AM A MUSLIM " Try to keep this in mind
Muhammed peace be upon him told to the world that in the time which is is near to the judgement day - Youmul Qiyam - there will be too many muslims, but they will loose their unity. They will be grabbed by different hands as like eating food from a big plate by a group. Now we can see the same happening in the world. Muslims are increasing. So many non- muslim brothers are joining with the message of truth abd the reality. Different parts of the places we can see people gathering for conveying the message which our beloved prophet and His previous prophets gave to the human kind. Lots of people is accepting Islam from different places like America, Europe, Japan, Korea and even from India and Srilanka. As per the report the maximum number of conversion in America is happened after the attack of the world trade center. After that attack too many people tried to study that to any worst things in Islam which they can insult Islam and to prove that Islam studies is the worst. But that result become inverse position. They came to know that it is the best religion and the real truth which teaches the best for human kind. It teaches the human even how to spit and even how to sleep. Each and every way of life which happen in a common mans life , Islam gives a creal idea and a way for that. Islam does not compel anyone for anything. But if you are a muslim, not by name, but a real muslim you have to obey the rules.
lets come back to the topic. So Islam is getting more popular and the number of muslims increasing. But why the muslims in the world is being attacked and killed. Why Muslims are treated in most of the places like a third grade persons. For example - Israel terrorists attacked and still attacking the poor people of Palestine. Iraq attacked by America. The Hinduthwa terrorists attacked gujat muslims and killed thousands of people and destroyed Babari masjid in front of a police men and military peoples.Like that too many example in front of our eyes.
But no one is responding. No one to question this. Why?? Why this happen. Its only because that the Non-coperative and the ego behavior of muslims make this. They are seperated in different banners. Everyone need to look his own benefits and his own problems. They were seperated under the banner of different names and people. In India - Sunni,Salafi,thableeg,jama'th and so on. In other place it may be issue of self profit. Everyone wants to clear their own problems abd their needs. No one will look to another people.
In a Ayath of Quran asks that the poor is in hungry and the women and children is attacked by the cruel people and why you are not helping them with your hands. Why you are not taking swords to protect them. Also Quran asks that Do the people think that they will go to heaven without doing something for this people. So it means that just praying 5 times, taking 30 days fasting, reading Quran, Migrating to makkah for hajj and giving zakath for the poor will not take any people to the heaven. They have to strive and struggle for the victims.. They have to join their hands each other and work together for the world who is attacked. Still palestine is attacked and most of the Arab countries keeping their mouth shut. Why ???
In India, people like Abdul naser madani is imprisoned wuthout bail for long 9 years in Coimbatore Jail without any bail anf at last realeased when found that he is not gulity. Who will replace his 9years in his life? Now again he is arrested and sent to karnataka Jail. Why this happen?? If all the muslim groups and muslim political party united and protest against this un equal law on muslims this will never repeat and he may be now in his home with his wife and children. Do the sunnath jamath , salafi , jamaath, thableeg, etc people thinks that you can escape from the questioning of Allahu subhana tha'la regarding this??? Do you think that you can go to heaven by neglecting this all. Please muslims join together and fight for the poor. Show your strength of Eeman.
Rasool peace be upon him told that if anyone see anything that should be stopped then it is a must that u have to stop that. First priority is to stop with your hand, if not possible do stop with your mouth and if that also not possible then atleast protest against that by your heart and mind. Now a days the last one only we are seen in most of this issues. For Abdul naser ma'dani issue most of the muslim groups kept quite and political party didnt bothered about that. Some exceptionals are there such as Social democratic party of India, some times saw the protest of solidarity but not that much effective. But the political party like Indian union muslim league which can do their best role in this kept their mouth shut.
Admin not blaming anyone in this issue or to hurt anyone. Just want to wake the muslim unity and work together as brothers. If you united then no one can beat you a single time.. JOIN FOR ISLAM AND MAKE A CHANGE AS A MUSLIM....
May Allah subahanatha'la help to make the mind of the leaders of the groups and the rejoin all the muslim in one banner " DEENUL ISLAM"